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03/19/2016 18:49

perhaps relevant prototype machine equipped with touch screen for about 4.0 inches. In accordance to apples staff, it is Steve jobs himself rejected the new design of your iphone prototype machine, he thought of four inches touch screen will destroy the iOS system in the ecological system, makes it hard for developers to develop iOS application, and this is something Apple has always avoided. 4.0 inch touch screen Although still can't judge whether iPhone5 prototype machine is dead due to its 4.0 inch touch screen or delay to release next year, but at least from the source of some with the details to provided, the new generation iphone have numerous changes and window. First of all, iPhone5 prototype touch screen sizes from the past 3.5 inches to 4.0 inches, and the same size with samsung GALAXY S; Second, iPhone5 prototype of your texture by apple internal manufacturing material to complete, not common prototype material. And the processing on the back address, the apple introduced iPad2 aluminum shell design, more smooth in shape. No physical Home button Apple iPhone5 perhaps have quite a few changes within the color scheme, because it will use the liquid metal technology for the fuselage shading. Airframe will not fade or rub off even after long-term use with this technology coloring But, actually truly worth attention for apple iPhone5 is the fact that it cancelled physical Home button as the rumor, and should be in a similar way of virtual keys, the user can restart cellphones after holding on. As the rumor goes, apple iPhone5 will probably be extra thin. Just at present prototype touch screen color configuration looks some messy, but it may be a means of apple to Camouflaging prototype machine. As a new generation iphone, apple should be use better touch screen for it. Of course, these myths are so-called sources leaks,

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